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  • Roof Storm Restoration
  • 45 + Years Of Experience

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Types of Roofs We Repair

Metal Roof Repair updated image new

Metal Roof Repair

When it comes to metal roof repair, OKC Roofers' experts are highly trained to identify and rectify issues specific to this durable roofing material. Our team understands the unique challenges that metal roofs face, such as corrosion, loose fasteners, and seam separation. We employ specialized techniques and use high-quality materials to ensure that your metal roof remains sturdy and long-lasting, protecting your investment for years to come.

Cedar Roof Repair new updated image

Cedar Roof Repair

At OKC Roofers, we take pride in our ability to preserve the natural beauty of cedar roofs while addressing any wear and tear they may have experienced over time. Our skilled technicians are well-versed in the unique characteristics of cedar and know how to handle repairs with the utmost care and attention to detail. Trust us to handle your cedar roof repair needs, ensuring that your roof maintains its rustic charm and structural integrity.

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Tile Roof Repair

Tile roofs are known for their durability and aesthetic appeal, but they can still suffer from issues such as cracked or broken tiles, which can compromise the overall integrity of your roof. OKC Roofers' team is equipped to handle tile roof repairs with precision and expertise, no matter the issue. Whether you're dealing with a minor crack or a more extensive issue, we have the knowledge and tools to restore both the functionality and visual appeal of your tile roof for years to come into the future.

Asphalt Roof Repair new updated image

Asphalt Roof Repair

Asphalt roofs are a popular choice for many homeowners, but they can still experience problems such as shingle damage, leaks, and ventilation issues. At OKC Roofers, we excel in repairing asphalt roofs, using our extensive knowledge to address these common concerns with efficiency and precision. Our team will work diligently to identify the root cause of the problem and implement a lasting solution, ensuring your asphalt roof continues to provide reliable protection for your home.

Slate Roof Repair new updated image

Slate Roof Repair

Slate roofs are renowned for their longevity and classic appearance, but repairing them requires a delicate touch and specialized expertise. At OKC Roofers, our professionals are well-versed in the intricacies of slate roof repair, understanding the unique challenges that come with working with this natural stone material. We take great care to preserve the integrity and beauty of your slate roof while addressing any issues, ensuring that this timeless roofing option continues to protect and enhance your property for decades to come.

Types of Roofs We Replace

metal roof company

Metal Roof Replacement

When the time comes for a metal roof replacement, OKC Roofers is your trusted partner. Our experts will guide you through the process of selecting the perfect metal roofing system for your property, taking into account factors such as style, color, and energy efficiency. We use only the highest quality materials and employ industry best practices to ensure that your new metal roof is installed flawlessly, providing superior protection and lasting value.


Cedar Roof Replacement

If your cedar roof has reached the end of its lifespan, OKC Roofers is here to help you with a seamless replacement process. We source the finest cedar materials and use our expertise to create a stunning new roof that showcases the natural beauty of this timeless material. Our skilled craftsmen take great care in installing your new cedar roof, ensuring that it not only looks beautiful but also provides long-lasting protection for your home.

Tile Roofs

Tile Roof Replacement

When it's time to replace your tile roof, trust OKC Roofers to handle the job with the utmost professionalism and attention to detail. We offer a wide range of tile options, from classic clay to modern concrete, allowing you to select the perfect style to complement your property. Our team of experienced installers will ensure that your new tile roof is laid with precision, providing a durable and aesthetically pleasing finish that will stand the test of time.

residential roofing

Asphalt Roof Replacement

If your asphalt roof has reached the end of its serviceable life, OKC Roofers is here to provide a seamless replacement process. We offer a variety of high-quality asphalt shingle options, from traditional three-tab to architectural shingles, allowing you to choose the perfect style and color. Our skilled technicians follow industry best practices to ensure that your new asphalt roof is installed correctly, providing reliable protection and lasting performance.

slate roofing company

Slate Roof Replacement

When it comes to replacing a slate roof, experience and expertise are essential. OKC Roofers has the knowledge and skills necessary to handle this complex process with the utmost care and precision. We source the finest slate materials and use specialized techniques to install your new roof, ensuring that it maintains the classic beauty and durability. With OKC Roofers, you can trust that your slate roof replacement will be completed to the highest standards.

Oklahoma's Roofing Company

Navigating the complexities of roof repairs requires a knowledgeable partner. At OKC Roofers, we excel in delivering expert guidance aligned with state building codes and shingle manufacturers’ specifications. Our dedicated team understands the intricacies of roof restoration, ensuring your project complies with all relevant standards for durability and safety.

We prioritize thorough documentation and meticulous adherence to manufacturer guidelines. Our approach involves assessing your roof’s condition, compiling comprehensive evidence, and presenting a robust case that emphasizes adherence to state regulations and manufacturer specifications. This proactive strategy not only ensures compliance but also secures optimal outcomes for your roofing needs.

With years of industry experience, OKC Roofers is well-versed in effectively advocating for your roofing project’s compliance with regulatory standards. Our commitment to excellence means you can trust us to handle every detail, from documentation to project execution, with precision and professionalism. Partner with OKC Roofers to ensure your roofing project meets all regulatory requirements and exceeds industry standards, providing lasting protection for your home.

storm roof repair

Oklahoma City Roofers

When it comes to roof repair and replacement, OKC Roofers is the go-to contractor for homeowners and businesses in Oklahoma City. Our skilled technicians have the expertise to accurately assess the condition of your roof and determine the most appropriate course of action.

Whether you’re dealing with minor leaks, missing shingles, or substantial structural damage, we have the knowledge and tools to efficiently resolve the issue.

We use only the highest quality materials and adhere to industry best practices to ensure that your roof is repaired or replaced to the highest standards, providing long-lasting protection for your property.


Storm Damage Repair

During times of crisis, OKC Roofers’ emergency repair services are readily available to address pressing concerns and prevent further damage to your property. In the aftermath of severe weather events, we provide prompt storm damage assessment and tarping services to safeguard your home or business.

The process of navigating insurance claims can be overwhelming, but our seasoned professionals are here to guide you through every step, ensuring you receive fair compensation for your roofing damage. We understand the intricacies of working with insurance companies and will advocate on your behalf to streamline the claims process.

storm damage roof repair company


When you choose OKC Roofers as your roofing partner in Oklahoma City, you’re making a decision that embodies unsurpassed reliability, superior craftsmanship, and a steadfast dedication to surpassing your expectations. We take pride in being your trusted local roofing contractor, committed to maintaining the structural integrity and ensuring the enduring resilience of your roof.


Your satisfaction and the safeguarding of your property are at the forefront of our priorities. You can rely on OKC Roofers to deliver the outstanding service you merit and the tranquility that comes with the assurance of knowing your roof is in the hands of skilled professionals. Select OKC Roofers as your go-to roofing contractor in Oklahoma City. Get in touch with us today to discuss your roofing needs!

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